About BrightFish Learning

BrightFish Learning is an international company focused on creating innovative tools that help educators and students achieve goals. With offices in Chicago, IL and Ottawa, ON, we are continuously examining best practices in districts, schools and classrooms across North America.

Our mandate is to translate these practices into solutions that can be accessible anywhere, anytime on multiple devices and platforms. We believe that all students can learn if given the opportunity, and at BrightFish, our solutions are all about providing those opportunities in the classroom and beyond.

Our management team is committed to helping teachers and students achieve their educational goals.

About the BrightFish Team

At BrightFish Learning we embrace diverse ideas and innovative approaches to education and business. We are a multinational organization with offices in Chicago, IL and Ottawa, ON as well as a European facility. We utilize a network of talented, dedicated teachers across North America who create exciting content for administrators, teachers and students. Our senior leadership team is committed to helping teachers and students achieve their educational goals. This group brings a wealth of experience across a broad spectrum of business.

Our team has accumulated expertise working with large Fortune 500 companies as well as entrepreneurial ventures and educational start-ups. The SLT has decades of education & publishing experience working with companies including AutoSkill International, Educators Publishing Service, School Specialty Inc., CDI College, Corinthian Education Corporation, KarbonStream Corporation and Ascentify Learning Media Inc., as well as occupying a position on the Board of Directors of Noble Network Education Foundation. In addition, BrightFish Learning’s management group brings executive experience with companies such as Honeywell, Sony Motion Pictures, V.P.V., Arthur Anderson & Co, McGraw-Edison, Esmark Inc., Andrew Corporation, S&H Citadel, Herbst Lazar Bell and BluePlay Payment Processing. This wealth of experience has allowed BrightFish Learning to embark on a bold quest to improve the lives of our students. We believe that the future is bright indeed.

Our Management Team

  • Marc Feagan

    Chairman / CEO

  • Sue Easton Koch


  • Ravi Ramsaran

    Vice President / CTO

  • James M. O’Brien

    Vice President/CFO

  • Graham Bright

    Senior Director of Strategic Development

  • Laura Egan

    Director of Educator Relations

  • Gwen Feagan 

    Sales, Marketing and Support Specialist