BrightFish Learning Reports

Tracking growth, monitoring progress and managing usage are all critical tools for educators to improve outcomes for struggling learners. Customized dashboards and realtime reporting for district and school administrators, reading coaches and teachers foster effective implementations and proactive management of learning gaps and challenges.

District and school administrators can monitor usage metrics, test results and trends at the school and grade level.

Coordinators and coaches can track progress by grade, class and student with summary, comparison and drill-down views.

Teachers can use summary and detailed reports to provide small group lessons or 1:1 remediation in missed concepts.

Available in a secure online dashboard, reports are updated in real time to help teachers and administrators make effective and timely instructional decisions.

All reports can be downloaded for sharing with school leadership, co-teaching teams and parents. Available in a secure online dashboard, reports are updated in real time to help educators at all levels make effective and timely instructional decisions.

District Test Results

School Snapshot Report

Individualized Student Progress Report

Student Achievement Report